Sunday 11 January 2015


Hey guys and dolls,

Hope you are all well, I'm trying to be more organised with blogging so here is my second post of the year, my first beauty post of 2015!

What is that ONE piece of make up that you literally can not leave the house without wearing? Some say foundation, many say lipstick but mine has always been mascara! Even if I’m just running down to the shop, I have to apply a dashing of mascara.

So today on My Dangerous Obsession is a review of the Younique Moonstruck 3D Fiber Lashes Mascara, if you haven’t heard of this mascara where have you been?! It’s been floating around on the bloggersphere/ blogosphere (I never know which of these is right) for a while now, and I finally got my hands on it.
 I have read a lot of reviews on this product, and the over-riding feeling Is that it is like marmite, you either love it or hate it. So I honestly could not wait to get my hands on it and form my own opinion!

I have been using this product a few times a week now for the past two months, but decided to review it on here with minimal make up on to show you, what I think are the truest results.

How did I apply the mascara?!

Firstly you need to apply a THIN coat of your favourite mascara (this is optional but I found that it worked well me for me), you then apply the transplanting gel (basically used as glue), immediately followed by the fibers (focusing mainly on the ends of your lashes – not the base as this can cause the fibers to fall into your eye which is extremely irritating). The fibers are like micro black hairs that stick to the gel creating a micro temporary extension to your own lashes. Once you have applied the fibers, allow the lashes to dry for a about 30 seconds and then comb through your lashes to help separate them and fan them out – this makes a huge difference and helps to brush out any clumps that may appear. You then need to seal the fibers by applying another coat of the transplanting gel. You can add as many coats of the gel and fibers as  you like, however I found the more coats I added, the more clumpy the lashes looked.

One coat of normal mascara

One coat of Younique 3D fiber. 

I absolutely love this mascara, and can’t imagine living without it now. The mascara really does give your natural lashes that extra boost to become beautifully longer, thicker and more volumised. I love that you are able to apply more coats of the gel and fibers to reach your desired look.

Please do not let the price of the mascara put you off this product. At first, I was not prepared to pay £23 for mascara that I didn’t know would definitely work, but honestly girls, this mascara is completely worth the price.

I've been in contact with Kate Graydon, a Younique Presenter, she is absoultely lovely, and will be able to help you with any orders or questions not just about this product but any of the Younique range. Contact her on either  Facebook, or on her Younique site.

love and kisses

Ness xo. 

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